I guess it's time to tell the world.
Ahah, we finally had our first positive ept last month (early pregnancy test). Yep yep, we're pregnant, nine weeks along as of today. We had been trying to get pregnant for a few months while traveling in Thailand and New Zealand, but traveling makes it difficult. So our first month home, we did it! No pun intended.
At the request of my sister-in-law who is ultra curious about the pregnancy process, I'll try to include my experiences as they are noteworthy. Reader be warned that my sense of which bodily functions are proper or improper to mention is somewhat skewed by my career as a pharmacist. I'm comfortable talking about everything! However, I am aware that this blog can be viewed by anyone in the world whether I know them or not, so that will temper my discussions. By the posting title it'll be clear whether I'll be talking about pregnancy/maternity stuff or not.
Here goes; my first nine weeks. First off, I need to clarify that you don't conceive until week two, which means when you're actually two weeks post conception you're called "four weeks pregnant." Those two weeks between conception and ept are the slowest two weeks in the world, if you're really hoping to be pregnant. Although this last month for me wasn't too bad because the first week I was sure we weren't pregnant again, that makes it less nerve wracking. But then for the second week post-conception I was having signs that I probably was, so I was kind of confident and that made the time go faster, too.
Morning sickness; I've had it pretty easy. I felt rather queasy the first few weeks, even waking up at night feeling really full and needing to sleep on my side. So I would carry saltines wherever I went. In fact while driving the three hours to my parents' place, I was feeling carsick on top of queasy (0r maybe it's all the same thing). I didn't want to eat anything I just needed some saltines and water. So we were near Vacaville and pulled into the closest option Sam's Club. While I waited in the car, BearHunter arms himself for the hunt. He is able to get a free one day pass to shop at Sam's Club, and some time later arrives back at the car loaded with a jumbo box of saltines (we're talking twelve packets) and enough water bottles for a football team. How cute is that? Now we're stocked with enough to last me through Christmas probably. I have learned that eating small quantities, even if I feel like I could eat plenty more really helps. Needless to say I've been feeling a ton better these last few weeks than I did the first four. My problem was that at first I was going health crazy. There's a millin books you can read on what to eat or not eat during pregnancy. If you're a bit OCD (like most pharmacists are) this will create a problem, actually trying to abide by those nutrition rules. What it made me do, was eat three meals a day, three snacks a day of whole wheat something or other and plenty of fruits and veggies, nothing processed. But really, that's why I was overeating. You don't need 1000 extra calories a day during the first trimester. An extra dab of ice cream or cup of juice is enough calories for now. I've also got to listen to my instincts and not eat what I don't feel like eating.
Ok, that's enough writing for now. I'll get to my other symptoms later.