We're looking forward to some visitors this week. BearHunter's family, all but his brother, will be up here for two to three weeks. We know they'll all be doting on baby. Who knows, will mom get more rest or less than usual?
At the same time two of our California church friends are coming for a long weekend. Their baby is due on Calla Lily's birthday! It'll be fun to hang out with some people that we have deeper relationships with. I'm looking forward to the refreshment of good friends.
We've begun Communion dinners at the YWAM base. We've chosen Wednesday nights as our weekly time to devote a couple of hours to fellowshipping over a meal. And experience the Lord's supper similar to how it was for the first century church. Not just juice/wine and crackers, but a whole meal together. There is something special about lingering at the table over good food and conversations, everyone sharing with each other. We enjoyed our first time last week and hope it develops into a highlight of our week. To accommodate a family atmosphere, we moved the tables together so we can fit 12 around one large square. Once the rest of the school returns, we'll have to create a new dining space, but for now it works perfectly.