Since we've been home baby's started standing for long periods on his own, meaning 15-20 seconds. Then Squeakums took his first steps yesterday, two of 'em during community worship time. I, mom, was sitting on the floor and he came crawling over to me, stood up in front of me, leaning on my legs, then with his arms out to me walked two steps toward me for a hug. He has mastered going down the stairs on his own, and has been eager to do it repeatedly today. Though he has taken one backwards tumble in the attempts. He recovers almost immediately from most falls. Next he has started climbing ladders!
With his top and bottom two teeth in, he is able to chew more solid foods. He has enjoyed pieces of cheese, rice, peas, shredded halibut, crackers, and cheerios by hand and also his fruit bag (peaches and apples in it so far).