It's exciting that we're going to Maui in just a few weeks now. SO looking forward to a fun, HOT vacation. We'll do the drive to Hana and a few other tourist things. HOpefully rest a bunch.
Housesitting has been great. I love having the extra space and this afternoon I can sit here in a chair while baby plays around the living room, occupying himself and staying out of trouble mostly.
I read about toddler tantrums today. Our little guy hardly has them, and none in public yet. If he's frustrated he may lay down and do a couple of pounds with his fists, but then he's done. He loves being read to and likes the flip the pages in his cardboard books while we read them. His favorites are the Touch and Feel Farm and Miss Spider's New Car.
His vocab is increasing as is his sign language. But some signs that used to be clear he's changed! LIke cheese; instead of rubbing his hands together, he rubs his arm.
Finally we have some beautiful weather. The rain has been a daily damper this month. But it's been sunny and lovely fall colors a couple days this week. What a treat before the snow. It did frost this morning.
Our base is building a cabin out East End to help out a friend in town.
I started to lead a women's inductive bible study on Tuesday nights, just for 5 weeks. It's been fun so far, 5 ladies come.
Hockey camp went well, though we didn't have as many players as we had expected. We got the Alaska Aces to make an appearance which I'm sure the kids thought was pretty cool.