They grow up so fast, faster every day. My little girl is six months old now. She's started holding herself up on hands and knees, ready to start crawling soon. And my squeakums is approaching three years. he's quite a climber. We encourage him to be active and climb most places, that others parents wouldn't! Like on the back on the couch for instance. I hope that by letting him be a little boy as much as possible, he won't go do risky things behind our backs. Or take naked time for instance. He's allowed to be naked at home as much as he wants. We have never had a problem with him stripping down out in public...until a week or two ago. He wanted to take his clothes off during a YWAM meeting. But daddy said no, and he obeyed. However, he then wet his pants within the hour. Being naked makes it easy for him to take himself to the potty. So we should have clued in to that 'signal' and taken him to the loo at that time.
We are really close to closing on our home purchase. It's hard to wait to hear back from underwriting...the final hurdle. But God has totally had this thing in his hands the whole time. We believe He is blessing us with this home. And so I keep waiting, trying to overcome my own thoughts. We've chosen colors for most every room, it's currently all the same off white blahhhh. Then there's a lot of little details we want to fix. But it's a great house, at an amazing price. God was holding it out for us in the right timing.