RosieCheeks is saying Mama and Dada already! What a delight. She signed and said Dada at the same time which really clued us into the reality of her communication. She's eight months old and on the verge of walking too! She's been crawly for over two months and now can hold her balance standing, very briefly. So she's getting into thngs. WE had to train her to understand the word "no" which she learned very quickly.
Have an older brother makes her childhood different than Squeakums. As a mom, I spend a lot of time keeping him at bay. I perhaps am too protective of the baby. Maybe I shoudl let them duke it out and learn to play together rough 'n tumble. Squeakums is almost three and loves to jump off the couch, wrestle with dad, and kiss his baby sister.
We are celebrating our anniversary this weekend through a friend's generosity. We are enjoying a local B&B, with massages and hot tub! A YWAMer is watching our son while RosieCHeeks stays with us. She still nurses every few hours and doesn't take a bottle yet. Speaking of food...she has mastered swallowing now and is eating well. I presume she'll gain weight soon and get back up to an average weight. She is a joy to everyone and a beauty to behold. Even strangers say how pretty of a baby she is. We agree. ;)