Ahah! I was able to post another picture from Samoa, I added it into the older blog, scroll down to see it. It's from the firedancing during the Fiafia. I tried adding a few more pix there but my computer errored halfway through so I had to give up on that idea. I'll try to add some New Zealand pictures onto this posting from our trip up to the Bay of Islands (kayak photo), which is where BearHunter went kayaking and got stuck on the island as referenced in "Where's Dino." And then our trip continued up to Cape Reinga and on down through the Kauri forests.
A few days later: Today a group of 9 of us went to "do" the church service at an AG church in Kaiwaka. CallaLily was the vocalist for the worship set, accompanied by a guitarist/male vocalist. BearHunter played Jesus in a controversial skit. Others gave testimonies, shared the word, and did children's program. For our final song "Days of Elijah" we taught the congregation actions to accompany the chorus and had the children join us up front as we all sang and did the actions together. That was quite fun. Even BearHunter was up there with the team flailing his arms at the appropriate times. :)
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