Saturday, May 13, 2006

From Auckland

From CallaLily: Hallelujah we have great internet access for today! But there's errors when I try to upload photos, so doesn't look like I'll get any pictures on today. I’m in Auckland for the weekend with the creative group. We did street evangelism using creative arts to start conversations yesterday. My partner and I had some interesting conversations with a couple Fulan Gong followers and a Maori lawyer and his brother in law. It’s amazing what people believe. One guy I talked to who has “been a Christian twice” thinks Christianity is a branch of Buddhism. Another guy doesn’t believe humans can do anything “wrong” and that we are sovereign. I got sick during last night. There's been a bug going around. and we went out to a nice Italian dinner and saw Mission Impossible 3 at the theater. What a treat. Too bad Bear Hunter was off on the backpacking trip for the weekend, it would have been great to share the day with him. Next weekend is our free weekend, completely unscheduled. So we can go anywhere we want to. Our current plan is to come back to Auckland and have a restful two days here by ourselves.

Auckland city itself is pretty large. Multicultural. Full of cute shops and restaurants and hilly streets. It's a bit like the Bay Area. Of course, it rained off and on cuz it’s fall here.

Only 3 weeks left til we fly out. We go to Singapore first for a conference, then to Thailand. Our team of 13 is preparing now. I’m in charge of bringing craft and art ideas for children of all ages. And apparently paper is a difficult item to get. Any tried and true suggestions, especially for younger ages?


Anonymous said...

ta mere talked to the ladies for craft suggestions - will there be pine cones or sticks to use to create creatures, wreaths, pictures? flowers that could be pressed? rocks on which you could draw things or glue together to form animals, etc. Will you have glue or paint to work with? Strips of cloth (to braid, use as paper, hair ribbons, book marks, etc.) My friends only came up with the pine cones - very little ones will be a challenge. Do you remember singing in a circle of other little children and having a child in the middle jump or do whatever motion they liked that you had to imitate? My friends are going to see if they can come up with some more suggestions. You made doll clothes for a clothes-peg doll when you were pretty tiny, of course you were very advanced for your age!

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to come up with something. Seems like everything involves egg cartons, paper bags, popsicle sticks, toilet paper rolls, or paper. Some activities the preschoolers liked were: paint on the sidewalk with paintbrushes & water. Playing with bubbles - just need soap and water plus straws or wands. Telephone with tin cans and string.
~ Grande soeur.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bear Hunter,
i just finished reading your mods to the story...
it's really really good! i really like what you've added!
anyway, just thought i'd say hi.