Here in America we have a big family holiday at Thanksgiving. Nowadays it's mostly about having a big meal with your family and continuing your traditions, whatever they may be. Now that we're a new family unit, we think about what holiday traditions do we want to do as we raise our kids. Callalily loves decorations for all holidays. Especially the apple-spice smelling candles during fall and winter. We don't get into Halloween because there's so much demonic activity. But Thanksgiving and Christmas are great.
Since we're leaving the lower 48 and won't be around for Christmas, we tried to be with both families for Thanksgiving this year. Whereas we've been alternating the in-laws in the past. So the actual day of was with CallaLily's parents, sister, and a couple ladies from the church. Then this weekend we repeated a banquet with BearHunter's family, including grandparents.
Maybe we're a little obsessed with log cabins. For the gingerbread contest at the county Christmas fair, I made a gingerbread log cabin with the Three Bears around it. They are so fun to make and be creative with, but take a lot of work I found out. Getting the royal icing a good firm consistency to stick jelly beans to but not so soft they drip off the roof before drying...is difficult. But we managed. I didn't win anything, but I got an honorable mention ribbon...which I think means since I didn't win first or second place and no one else entered in my age group that they decided to give me a ribbon! I don't know. Mine was pretty cool though, I have to admit.
Nice logcabin indeed. Reminded me of the clay version I once saw ;-)
Take good care in the cold over there in Alaska.
Hugs from Holland
sweet gingerbread house!!!
hope to see you guys soon!
we all miss you already (even though you just left today ;)
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