I'm dreaming of a white Christmas:
Snow's been coming regularly now. One of BearHunter's jobs is shoveling sidewalks at our facility and around the adjacent church building. Since all other staff are gone for the Christmas break, BearHunter shovels alone these days. I did help him once, just cuz I thought it would be fun. Some days after he digs out all the walkways, by late afternoon the strong winds have drifted snow right back on top, deeper than they were in the morning. He also had the fun of driving a snow plow! A friend came to donate an old table to the YWAM base and plowed the driveway for us while he was here. He let BearHunter get behind the wheel and experiment a bit. This was happening after 10 at night. Plowing seems to know no bedtime.
Feeling Baby:
For two mornings in a row this week I found that I could locate my baby - it's on my right side. But I knew that from the first month. This week it felt like a tennis ball in my abdomen when I laid on my stomach...but only in the mornings. I think my innerds relax and settle during the night. One morning in particular this tight little wad would move around in my belly. I didn't feel any "kicking" sensation, just funky movement and could tell with my hand that the little ball wasn't where it just was! Pretty cool. The Hubbie has a harder time feeling it, he's afraid to press too hard.
Christian Emotions:
We heard a great sermon last Sunday. Main thing I want to relay to you is the necessity of emotion in a Christian faith. Some people fear emotionalism (emotions for the sake of emotions) among fanatical Christians. But to have a stoic faith, a salvation of only your mind is not really salvation. The pastor read from a book which I can't recall the title now, but it read something to the effect of this: Can you truly know the damnation of your sins and feel nothing? Can you claim to know and receive God's love without some joyous and happy response? What have you been saved from if only your mind is aware of it?
Our minds weren't headed for hell alone without our souls. Rather, our whole person has been saved and is being changed. So our response to God is with our body, soul (mind, will and emotions), and spirit. And all three are part of your person and are interconnected.
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