I went into the hospital twice this week for some fetal monitoring. Apparently I had started to dilate already and was having frequent contractions. After drinking lots of juice and water, I did better. After my second time there, they had some lab results ready that indicated my risk for an immediate birth was low. So I got to go home again to more bed rest. I may be on this modified bed rest for 2 to 3 weeks. We'll see tomorrow what they say at my regular prenatal appointment.
Baby has gotten really active again, pushing a lot on my tummy. The head is already engaging to zero station (moving into the pelvis). And the body is now on my left side, but facing forward and upside down. So all the hand and leg movements are felt on my right, and on my bladder. It's fun to watch my tummy move with baby. I get winded easily from small effort and am often tired. But now I get to nap as much as I want. I get to read and watch movies now and have some down time. The others living here have picked up the cooking duties. I still work the menu and make the grocery list.
By the way, I watched Facing the Giants over the weekend. It was a really good movie; well made and I cried a few times and laughed.
So it's unusual for a first time mom to be 80% effaced already (meaning my cervix has really thinned out) and I'm likely to have an early delivery. I'm almost 35 weeks along. Possibly it'll be a May baby, instead of June 7. I pray that the baby's not born until it's fully developed and ready, closer to 36 or 37 weeks if not later than that.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for keeping us posted in your updates. :) Lets us know how to better pray.
I appreciate the medical detail too. Helps me understand better what's going on.
Talk to you soon!
Hi Sis,
I see you've got playing cards at arms reach. That baby is going to know how to play early on I gather. A baby card shark like the rest of the family, eh?
Tell your shark to stick tight. I want to be in the state when things start happening, darn it.
My blessed friends in Alaska...praise God for your gift! I'm so excited to see the new little one and hear about your journey step by step. THIS IS SO EXCITING!
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