Squeakums is cute still. He's getting more responsive with smiles and almost laughter to us. He is cooing most days and that's a blast to "talk" with him. He's 10 weeks old and weighs 12 pounds 8 ounces. They rechecked his hearing and he passed (again).
I've also begun a diaper free attempt. I read the book Diaper Free. And have been watching his elimination patterns, for schedules, verbal or body lanuage signs, etc. for a few weeks. Sometimes I'd lay him on a towel and just keep an eye out for when he went. Whenever I'd catch him going #1 or #2 I'd make a specific sound (psssss or grrrrrr). Within the last week or so he began having relatively dry nights and not pooping in every diaper. He does a big poop sometimes once a day or a whole bunch one day. Yesterday his big one was at 9:30am while feeding him. This morning he didn't go while feeding so I put him over a sitz bathtub and urged him to go by saying grrrrrr and making a grunting kind of sound. And he went a big one! I was so amazed. And then he peed in the tub as well. Wow! It worked. Throughout the rest of the day I got him to pee 6 times in the tub and to poop 4 times. It makes the whole process seem easy to have such a successful day. I keep him in diapers still. But I use FAR FEWER this way. And it's kind of fun and exciting. :)
That is very cool! I've not heard of this potty-training technique! I'm wondering though...
...when he is 15 and in science class, and his lab partner wants to tell him something on the sly, so he leans over and goes "pssssst" in his ear...
...or when he is 35 and on the bus and accidentally bumps some gruff old man who looks at him and goes "GRRRRRR!!!!"...
...what will happen? =O
~ cob
Wow. The two of you are so sweet sleeping together like that. BearHunter must be such a happy camper right now with such a beautiful family. My sister in law does a similar thing for eliminating diapers. I never would have thought it would work until it worked for her. So cool!
What a riot!! And he's only 10 weeks. I guess you know for certain that his hearing is just fine.
This is so fascinating. I never would ahve guessed. It just goes to show that even babies learn or maybe that adults can be taught to teach babies...
sister red wolf
Very cool. That's probably how we'll do it too.
Hippie Sis
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