There's frost today. And a 'new to us' green Subaru sitting in the parking lot. BearHunter flew to anchorage to check out this hot item from craig's list and drove it home that same night. Just what we were looking for, with a warranty as well.
So you always see moms with short hair. I thought previously that I wouldn't be one of those women that chops off my hair just because I had a baby. But then came the stage when he grabs my hair with his wet hand and squeezes intently or just stuffs my hair into his mouth. Babies' grips are surprisingly strong and it is difficult to remove my entangled hair from his hand. When this happens repeatedly, and at night, especially if I'm already tired or thin on patience, it made me consider the haircut idea.
So after much mulling over the idea and possible hairstyles. I asked BearHunter's permission to do the chop. He was amiable to the idea and pointed out some of his preferred styles from the photobook I was looking at. Of course his choices looked like high maintenance. I had enough cut to send to locks of love, my first time. So that's really cool. And we were both pleased with the outcome. I actually have a lot of curl when my hair went short this time. Now it's time to figure out how I'm going to style it quick 'n easy.
I *love* your new do! Very feminine!
Hey - that cut is cute! It reminds me of some of our younger days. By the way - looking at those two pictures I guess clothes for Squeakums came with the cut? Any way, you both look good.
Wow! Just saw some pictures of you, bearhunter and others from days of yesteryear youth group. Short hair Flashback! Will people be saying, "Oh, honey, you don't look old enough to have a baby"...or, "Are you the babysitter?" I think it looks great! Hope it can be wash and wear. Wind blown look used to be in many years ago...
You look lovely, god bless what your doing. This blog has been a blessing to track you with! I've joined church's worship team which has been fun. Anyway, hope you're doing well!
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