Squeakums has been mastering so much since he turned one. Just yesterday he said the word "more" while signing it, and did this twice! he also repeated the word "shoe" after me, but only did that once. We've been working so hard at encouraging him to sign "please." But I haven't seen it yet. Some of our lady friends claim he does it with them.
Because he's one he's allowed to drink cow's milk. So I started to finish weaning him by replacing his bedtime nursing with a bottle of cow's milk. We also started giving him some milk at meals. HOWEVER...he has since stopped napping so well and going to bed. Instead he'll stay awake and cry for up to an hour off and on. We switched to lactose free milk, which I drink, and he improved some. Then yesterday we tried only breastmilk and he went immediately back to his good nap habits, which means going to sleep after only a few minutes of crying if any. I'm not sure what this means for the future. Maybe we'll try the milk again in a month or so when his digestive system is perhaps more ready for it. Our friends here had one son who was similar, never liking milk. They opted to go straight to water instead. I was looking forward to the freedom of not needing to nurse him 5 times a day...and actually get away for a day. Oh well, that's on hold for awhile.
Looks like we'll be going to Hawaii this fall!!!!! I had been convincing BearHunter this winter that Hawaii would be a nice vacation spot sometime. (He's not keen on beaches, preferring jungles anytime). We talked with enough travellers to feel we would enjoy a trip there together. So this spring I prayed specifically asking God to let us go to Hawaii. You've got to be specific in your prayers and pray for what you want. About a month ago my dad calls to OFFER us a week at a cohort's timeshare in Hawaii! Hmmm. Amazing. But how will we find a trusted babysitter while there, so we can go out in the evening or do water play, etc? Well, grandparents offered to come be babysitters! So that's it. We have a companion ticket on the airlines, which will save us one fare.
So we'll be in Maui this October. If you're gonna be there too, let us know!
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