A picture is worth a thousand words. So I'll spare you the thousand words and keep it to a few.
Pictures are: new hairdo, picking potatoes, sad face, dad and baby, mom and baby.
In other news- We had our first snow already. And we started the homestudy process to qualify for adoption. We are hoping to pursue domestic and international adoption simultaneously. Hopefully one of them will work out. I wasn't nervous about the homestudy meeting. Perhaps because I'd met the guy before and I'm confident that we'll be great parents. There's nothing I'm afraid of being discovered that'll disqualify us.
Other exciting news - We were called by the church and asked if we wanted to rent the parsonage.d We've been praying about and looking into getting our own place, even buying something. It would have to be a God thing to even qualify for sufficient loans to buy. But in the meantime this gift drops down from heaven, all perfect gifts are from above. It's a two bedroom home that I've been in often. It's on the same church property as our YWAM base, where we live now. Pastor Dave is getting the monthly utility figures for us. We may have to rent out the loft to help cover the costs of it. I would so look forward to having a house, so I can invite people over for meals or to hangout, a way to meet visitors at church or people in the community.We are both excited about the prospects of living there. It'll be potentially a $500 a month increase in expenditures to live there. So we'll keep praying about it. Our support is not full yet, but we learn to live by what we have. Some months that means no spending money on anything extra. And we're okay with that. But Yahweh, Jehovah Jirah is a God of abundance! It is within his character to provide abundantly. Amen.
Wow! adoption! K and I are still preparing for this as well. Praying about whatever path God is leading us down.
I love your hairdo! And that picture of you and squeakums is beautiful!
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