Today she was born. What a different experience than with Squeakums. All of the difficulties and complications at his birth were not there for hers. We are so thankful for God's blessing in this. She was born 5 days "late" but came naturally.
I labored from 8pm til just after 2am. And was in the warm tub for the end of the labor. Usually this hospital has moms get out of the tub once the pushing stage arrives. Somehow I transitioned to pushing and crowning and birth within 15 minutes, and was still in the tub. So we had an underwater birth to our own surprise. Getting out of the tub was only a little bit of work, but the water had been so comfortably warm and let me lay and float holding onto my husband during contractions and pushing, which was wonderful. He wasn't able to catch her as she was born, due to holding me, but was able to at least feel her head as she crowned. She was born at 2:47am, what a relief. I was tired and still am 13 hours later. Trying to get some naps in while still at the hospital. Delivering the placenta was real work, too, but it finally came out all in one piece (a drastic improvement from last time as well).
She is a beautiful 19 inches long, 7 pounds and 7.7 ounces (777, eh?), latched on great and nursing well already. Also taking some good 2 hour naps. Passed the hearing test and got her vitamin K. Down to changing diapers and nursing now.
We'll have to think of another screen name for her, as we did for Squeakums. Open to suggestions...
Congrats to all!!!
Sorry I missed your call BearHunter! Try again sometime! Hope everyone is doing well! GOD Bless!
Wonderful pics! So glad to hear everyone is safe, even if you all are tired.
Possible screen names: rose, rosebud, chickadee,ladybug
Rackle & JBug
Congratuations Coach, I guess you now have your Quarterback. She can pass to your end, Squeekums. I have heard of girls playing quarterback on High School teams. I think there were some girls on some of the teams I ref'ed.
Congratulations you guys!!! When are you going home? I'll bet BearHunter is happy to have his little girl. :) I know we're glad to have one of each. Daddy is sure enjoying his little girl on our end too. :-D
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