Thursday, January 20, 2011

For such a time as this (January post)

We've been in California for almost two weeks now. We've come down here mainly to reconnect with our missions supporters.
Yesterday we made the drive up to CalaLily's family. Along the way we stopped at a couple of walmarts looking for a kennel for our new family dog@!!! That's another story. What happened at one Walmart is the main story today. We'd stopped at the outlets hoping for a dog shop and tried Walmart since that was the first place we saw. BearHunter stayed int eh car with thekids while I hopped in for a brief look for a kennel. I was waylaid by sippy cups, my kids' cups are starting to leak when tipped over. As I was looking at the sippy cups, I heard a heavy knock and gasp behind me.

A man was lying face down crumpled on the floor. The woman with him wasn't sure what was going on. I went straight over and got down to his face which was already bleeding. His glasses which had cut him were falling off and I don't remember if I removed them or she did. Anyway,we had no idea what had happened. I helped support his head, and prayed a brief prayer with my hands on his head. He began seizing repeatedly. I and his sister supported him through it. He'd never had a seizure before. I just rubbed his back and stroked his head,and spoke reassuring words. the sister was audibly upset and afraid but the EMT's arrived very soon and took over. I then touched the sister on the shoulder and told her she had done a good job. I know in tense fearful moments, some reasurance can go a long way. She seemed to be near tears when I said that.
Then I got up and went back to my shopping. I had no nervousness the whole time. Only later did the thought occur to me that the EMT's might want my observations of the event. But there was a woman in scrubs who'd been describing the situation on the phone, so I bet she could provide any needed information. They didnt' have the size kennel I wanted, so we hopped in thecar and I didnt' feel like trying any more stores. So we got back on the freeway and continued on our journey. My husband suggested that perhaps we stopped there just for that man. In God's timing. Perhaps.


Can Opener Boy said...

Wow! I'll bet that *was* the reason you were at that place at that time! Yea God!!

Rachel U said...

Thanks for sharing! It is always encouraging to hear about "God" moments.