Yeah, we reached full-term 37 weeks! Now baby is definitely ready for the world. The midwife thinks it's around 6 pounds. Now it's just a waiting game for real labor to start. I'm totally free to return to normal activities. Though I took a short walk to the grocery store yesterday and found myself completely exhausted when I returned. They checked my blood iron level yesterday to see if I need supplements, I haven't heard the results yet. But being tired in third trimester is also normal. I've been sleeping pretty well, thanks to a lavendar sachet my doula made for me. I still wake between 3-4am most every night, but can fall asleep again afterwards.
BearHunter used my belly for a pregnancy art palette. It's supposed to be a rabbit drawing, but looks more like a cat to me!
Heheheh.Cute. :) I think it looks like a cat too.
So I just got this e-mail from Mallory about her wedding in sept and it's such an amazing occurence that you two wonderful people came to mind. I realized that it must me anytime time now that you'll be bringing into the world a new bright face. I miss you guys. I read the blog. I can't believe it! We'll I can believe it, it's just that so much changes in a few months. Nine months. I don't know if you two have had the baby yet, or ...well get back to me. love always.
~Elaine~ (oak ridge '06)
I loved the background for that animule!!
Wolf Sister
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