First off, sorry it's been a month since we blogged. Life and internet access limitations have made it very difficult to get posts done. Here's the exciting news...
Our baby boy was born May 28, Memorial Day. He's already four weeks old today! That's what has kept me so busy. Besides being in the hospital for 9 days for our "special" birth experience.
I apparently had developed preeclampsia (protein in the urine and high blood pressure from pregnancy) which is dangerous to the baby and myself. The placenta can age prematurely and limit blood supply to the baby and for myself I could have a seizure at anytime. So due to those risks, I was induced at 38 weeks. It took two days of IV pitocin, then they broke my waters because I wasn't progressing much. Then within 5 hours I had my baby boy on my belly, no longer in my belly. BearHunter was so pleased and all smiles in all the pictures my doula took. I won't post them cuz they're pretty gory some of 'em.
I don't know what to screenname our baby for this blog. Any ideas? BabyBear is cute, but doesn't fit with BearHunter too well, eh? I call him squeakums and pumpkin at times. It's funny, in the first week or two I woke up dreaming about a mouse that was dead, but not really, in a drawer. Then realized it was my baby squeaking that made me dream about the mouse! He squeaks a lot.
And he's adorable when he wakes up from breastfeeding. His red face is thrown back as he arches and his two little arms automatically stretch up next to his face, elbows bent. And he pushes his little diapered butt back while curling in his legs. It's pretty much adorable. People say he has my (mom's) nose and mouth. When I saw this picture I had to agree. But he's got dad's big paws and tendency to kick and move as he's sleeping.
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