Saturday, May 13, 2006

From Auckland

From CallaLily: Hallelujah we have great internet access for today! But there's errors when I try to upload photos, so doesn't look like I'll get any pictures on today. I’m in Auckland for the weekend with the creative group. We did street evangelism using creative arts to start conversations yesterday. My partner and I had some interesting conversations with a couple Fulan Gong followers and a Maori lawyer and his brother in law. It’s amazing what people believe. One guy I talked to who has “been a Christian twice” thinks Christianity is a branch of Buddhism. Another guy doesn’t believe humans can do anything “wrong” and that we are sovereign. I got sick during last night. There's been a bug going around. and we went out to a nice Italian dinner and saw Mission Impossible 3 at the theater. What a treat. Too bad Bear Hunter was off on the backpacking trip for the weekend, it would have been great to share the day with him. Next weekend is our free weekend, completely unscheduled. So we can go anywhere we want to. Our current plan is to come back to Auckland and have a restful two days here by ourselves.

Auckland city itself is pretty large. Multicultural. Full of cute shops and restaurants and hilly streets. It's a bit like the Bay Area. Of course, it rained off and on cuz it’s fall here.

Only 3 weeks left til we fly out. We go to Singapore first for a conference, then to Thailand. Our team of 13 is preparing now. I’m in charge of bringing craft and art ideas for children of all ages. And apparently paper is a difficult item to get. Any tried and true suggestions, especially for younger ages?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Heart Living

Wow, no one has commented on my last blog's theology question. Perhaps that's not up your alley. I'll give you another opportunity today. But first, what's up with us...

More info on Thailand. The orphanage/children's home that we'll be at for two weeks currently has 8 staff for 80 children. The assistant director is a graduate from the school that we're currently attending in New Zealand. They are building more space to accomodate an expected 80-500 more children soon. That's pretty amazing. So we'll probably be helping with some building projects, maybe cooking for everybody or helping to feed the babies and clean up afterwards. Sounds good, eh? Here is another opportunity for us after graduation to return and become a long term volunteer there. All the staff are "volunteer" and supported by friends as we are.

Tomorrow CallaLily is giving the sermon during a local church service! First time, yikes. And BearHunter felt he should volunteer to lead the worship, first time, too. It turns out the church is a traditional type and sings hymns, so that actually should be easier for BearHunter since he grew up on that style of music. The sermon is about our freedom in Christ.

Here's the newest lecture topic from school. My summary of the teaching is Live From the Heart. Bring God into each emotion we experience. Instead of trying to ignore or bury our emotions that we don't like to experience or think we "shouldn't" because we're Christian. God doesn't want to just deliver us from the feelings, He wants to be with us during them. Will we allow God into our pain and be honest with Him when we're mad or disappointed with Him? What stops us from being real before God? Be real about who you are and allow your heart to come alive. God can touch your heart, lead you there, give you abundant life through your desires.

He gives us desires and passions. And we meet Him when we pursue those things that are so important to us. It's part of God's heart, the piece that He's give you to carry out. One of my passions is truth. For others it's being compassionate. For another it may be to dance. The area that God has a gifting for us and a role to play in the kingdom is often where the enemy attacks us and tries to make us believe we're insignificant or we can't do that thing. Like me, part of my calling I believe is to teach and speak. But somehow in my school years I became a insecure quiet person, especially in groups. I thought people didn't want to hear what I said, so I said nothing unless I trusted the person already.