Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day Pictures

Some fresh pictures:

Squeakums and mom
Squeakums with rose on Mother's Day.
Toilet Paper art by our creative explorer
Mama's 28 week belly

BearHunter is out huntin bear this weekend across the bay with a couple other guys. Squeakums and CalaLilly are missing him already very much.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Pheasant and Ash

Here's his pheasant. And the other picture is of the first ashfall from Mt. Redoubt in Homer, covering our deck, tarp on the car, and the adjacent church roof.

Pictures of Baby

Squeakums is changing so much. He's talking in almost sentences. He understands that there's a baby in mommy's tummy and not one in his own! He can occupy himself for a good twenty minutes peeling crayon labels or other minute detailed work. Like mixing dry beans and rice in a bowl is a favorite activity now.

We've pulled out fingerpaints a couple of times (see pictures) and playdough more's easier to clean up.

It's fun that he recognizes people by name and remembers teammates who have left. He even realizes when there's abstract art of Jesus. Or other things spiritually he'll pick up on, too.

Since the weather has been beautiful this week (in the 60's, which is as hot as it will get all summer) we've been enjoying the outdoors. Our team of students has been on outreach to Saint Lawrence Island for over a month already. Life is quieter now.

BearHunter shot his first pheasant and we ate it. Tastes like chicken, but it was a bit tough from being overcooked. Fun to have a hunter in the family anyway. This month he heads out bear hunting again. Spring bears are best and not fishy tasting. Last year's bear is now a rug hanging on the wall, pretty impressive.

Potty training is almost done. He's great most of the time. Occasionally he'll mess on the floor, but usually he takes himself to his little potty. We have him in split crotch pants all the time (at least at home and on short outtings) so it's real obvious if he tinkles on himself...he doesn't like it and will speak up right away. We also encourage him to go use the potty if it's been awhile since he's gone.